How to get degus used to you?

How to get degus used to you?

If you have just got new degus or you're thinking of getting them, this blog post might be for you. It is very good to know how your degus will get used to you. Don't hurry up with it, because little by little degus will get used to their owners and to the new environment. Some degus are more timid at first and some degus are braver. When we got degus, Malina was a little bit timid for some time and Cherry was not so cautious. Cherry is very energetic by nature. Every degu has their own character so it might take sometimes more time to get degus used to you, but sometimes it takes less time.

How did we actually get our degus used to us?

We didn't take our degus on hand just after we got them, because in that case they could have gotten scared. After some time, we put our hands to their cage so they could get to know their owners smell.
Then later we fed them from hand so they could get trust to us and we did that sometimes and later they wanted to walk on our hands in the cage and later we took them on hand near the cage so they could go back to the cage, when they felt like that. That way they got used to us. :)


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